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Camping bungalow

Max 4 persons

Are you looking for something more luxurious than a tent but still want to experience the camping feeling? Then the camping bungalow is the solution for you. In this lovely wooden camping bungalow you can feel completely at one with nature and the surroundings.

Popular choice!
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€ 296,-
€ 199,40
  • 4 persons
  • Campinging spot
  • Lot +/- 100 m2
  • Kitchen block with complete kitchen inventory
  • Completely furnished dining/seating area with central living
  • Fridge
  • Coffee-maker
  • 2 hob gas range
  • 1 quilt and 1 pillow per person, for cold nights you need to provide extra blankets yourself
  • 1 bedroom with bunk bed
  • 1 bedroom with double bed
For the kids
  • Baby bath for rent
  • Crib for rent
  • Playpen for rent
  • High chair for rent
Nice outside
  • Picnic table
Rated with 7,6

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